I know, I know, slacking big time here. I brought Kaiya to Fort Taber in New Bedford on Monday, fever, aches and all, and my camera sat on the couch, ouch! And photos of the fort are on my external hard drive which is not here. Needless to say I have not been thinking straight. This Sarcoidosis flare is still kicking my butt after 2 weeks. I finally went to the ER yesterday morning and within 5 minutes of walking in the door I was admitted, SOB, shortness of breath. I can only do 2 deep breaths then out of air. My O2 (oxygen) kept dropping down to 93 (shouldn't go below 95). They drew 5 vials of blood and got 2 iv's because my vein blew out on the first try. I guess my veins are already tired and the Sarcoidosis just came awake 4 months ago, not a good sign. I have nerve damage (NeroSarc and Tissue Sarc) in my left arm so that arm can't be used. I was given a dose of Prednisone, such a bad drug. Does miracles but should be pulled away from the medical community (I think the UK banned it, not sure). And extra strong and double dose of Albuteral so I got to suck on a tube for an hour. Then had my chest CT with contrast. I need to go back and get a copy of all the reports. Since I see my pulmonary this Friday the doctor then asked if I wished to stay or leave, I left. Last night I was so sorry I did, what a rough night.
Symptoms of my Sarc Flare: flu/virus symptoms. Snotty nose, worse cough, headache, skin, joints, muscles and hair roots hurt especially to the touch, low grade fever, louder ring in my ears, loss of appetite, fatigue, memory issues, moody, tight/achy chest. It isn't fun and I can not be fun to be around and I usually give warning that should be heeded.
Well I did miss Easter with everyone here. I hope you had a great holiday however you celebrate it. I had a lovely dinner with my neighbor and watched movies. He just had two teeth extracted on the Friday before so we both had clouds over our heads and needed a quiet day.
I hope the bunny brought a lot of joy to your hearts and the hearts of loved ones.
I have been looking for leftover Peeps but so far everyone is sold out. I wanted a couple different colors and flavors for camping to make Smores and Brownies.
It was a year ago today that I made my second attempt on the Appalachian Trail starting back in Dalton. I had a better map, one that was printed correctly. And I was amazed that just within two weeks how the mountain went from complete snow and ice to being brown and almost dried up.
I chose to go back with a military bivy with a 2 bag system, good for -50F instead of a 2 man tent, total weight, 10 pounds. I returned the 0 rated sleeping bag that I froze in when 35F and used 3 emergency blankets. I was plenty warm enough. This is the same exact spot I placed my red tent 2 weeks prior that was all ice. My backpack is down to 35 pounds, still too heavy. I am learning. I would like to get down to 20-25 pounds. Now having Kaiya it will be tougher. She needs a bigger pack so she can now carry her water, food and sleep pad.

You sleep right by the tracks and the trains are pretty busy here and super fast. But if you have had a long day and don't want to walk up the mountain at night this is where you stay, only flat spot and has a brook. I bused it all the way from my house so I don't hit the mountain base until 4pm and going to be dark in an hour or so. As I climbed the mountain the next morning I saw how many 70 foot trees fell during the storm I was in and found the tree that fell only feet from me. I know the volunteers were busy cleaning up the area during the summer.

Coffee and soup time. This is the Nesbit system and I do not like it at all. The percolator can not get the water hot enough to come out. I used a lot of Nesbit Tablets, pretty useless. I try it at home with tap water and it works fantastic. I need a new ring for the cook system and have I written to the company and they just ignore you. Fuel can be difficult to find. It is light weight but you need to carry 2-3 bottle, it burns quickly. It is my understanding you can only use a Nesbit on the Pacific Trail.
Even in the early spring the view of the brook was breathtaking and the sound is surreal. This is about 8 miles up the mountain so you sure enjoy the view after climbing for so long. As you can tell I haven't enhanced most of the photos as of yet.
This is where two brooks meld into one. I love bridges!
After you cross the bridge it is a pretty easy hike. Just make sure you take in the surrounding view and sounds. Very pleasant to the ears, eyes and soul. You will then cross a tarred road, where you can also park a car for a night or two, and climb up a steep hill and you will see the sign posted above. After some 10 miles this is a lovely view. This isn't one of the safest shelters along the trail since it is so close to the road. The Appalachian has seen a small handful of murders through the many years and mostly Connecticut and Massachusetts since the shelter is easy access to a road. I have never had issues, been here 3 times, 2 times alone, 1 time a young man in his young 20's who lives town popped in at 2am who has a mental health issue but he was very pleasant.

Kay Wood Shelter, sleeps 8 comfortably. The wind blew wicked during the night so I slept up top and placed my tarp across the opening to keep the whirling winds from getting in. I have since change over from a tarp to a TyVek, lighter but really noisy. Walk down the steep hill from the front of the shelter and there is a nice running brook except during mid-summer, then it is a trickle. There is a bear box, fire pit, a man's pee pit and an outhouse. And the next shelter is another 10 miles. I didn't make it. Ends up I get the mountain bends at only 2,000 feet. I was so sick all night long. My brain swelled up badly and my lungs started to fill with fluid, had some wheezing. It is amazing how I was able to grab all my belongings and climb down the mountain the next morning. Out of a 10 questioner from brain inflammation I was a 7 so I probably would have died if I stayed another night. So my second challenge on the AT was again squashed. I was beyond heartbroken. I have a rare blood condition that makes my blood too thick and lacks oxygen plus I have sleep apnea and this causes me to have the bends at such a low altitude.

Good thing for the well marked trail. I was so out of it. My head was pounding out of it's skull. I did have to back track once for maybe 10 feet along the brook.
The fog had lifted aft a night of light rain and the sun was shining brightly giving me a positive attitude that I can do this and I will be back. I did go back in July during the 3rd and worst heatwave for the summer. I haven't conquered the AT yet, may not be able to now due to the Sarcoidosis is awake but I am not giving up hope yet.
Cape Cod Canal Train Bridge Glass Cutting Board
I took this photo in August 2013. Kaiya and I had an amazing night. The weather was perfect. The waters were busy with traffic of all sorts of boats. The bridge went down twice that evening.
Is available for sale here:
On April 11th I went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast and I saw these nifty roses for sale and thought I would like to try to make some myself and the next morning I tripped across the instructions.
We sure hope you enjoyed today's blog. Kaiya doesn't have much to say. I woke her up too many times last night and she is sleeping on my feet. Which is just as well since the fog has lifted and the rain is coming in.
If you have any questions or comments please ask away. If you are going on the AT this year I wish you the best regardless if you are attempting the entire trail or doing sections.