I finally have time to try to catch up.
So on/about June 16th we were towed 1 mile to Fuller Automotive Services Inc at 16 Woodland Dr, Port Jervis, New York and the old man and his grandson worked on Goliath for 6 hours. The grandson found the battery was without a bracket (which I found in the rig later) and the ground bolt was very rusty, stripped head and too short so it wouldn't ground the battery. And this is why I had to be towed in. All due to Marx Auto Shop on Rockdale Avenue in New Bedford, Massachusetts who installed a new battery incorrectly. The grandson said the auto parts store was backed up so he was going to find a bolt in a junk car on the lot and that cost me $8 plus 1-2 hours labor (only to find out later that he NEVER replaced the bolt!). And the two worked together for my dash gauges and after a few hours they figured it was all set and I paid out a few hundred as they get $85 an hour. We go down the road and loose one gauge and while heading back hit another bump and loose another gauge. The grandson finally noticed that someone unscrewed the dashboard bracket and it was causing a wire to hit a contact and blowing out a fuse.
So we leave and stay at the Pennsylvania Welcome Center. What a nice place. Clean, pleasant employees, tons of trip ideas inside, picnic tables that lack shade of any sort so maybe they don't want you to stay too long. At 5am I see my engine glowing red and looked closer to see that the old man left the voltage meter hooked up to the battery. I waited several hours to call them and then waited longer for it to be picked up as meters are costly and I am 2 miles away. I didn't receive a finder's fee, oh well. I think $20 would have been nice. So now it is noon and I don't wish to travel and met up with a wonderful woman in her early 60's the night bef who stayed beside me with her nifty set-up and pup. She is traveling across country for the summer and doing genealogy and meeting up with some family in a couple of states.
I wish I took photos of the rear end opened up where she does all her cooking.
Here is one of several wallets available at my shop. If you wish you can add your own photo and/or message.
I would like to thank theelliotthomestead.com for their DIY Eczema Cream

I must get going. I need to chat with a wonderful woman and hopefully the rain will starve off a wee bit longer so Kaiya can go for a walk.
We will be back later and do more catching up.
Spirit and Kaiya
The Wandering Gypsies
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