July 5-7
Central Pennsylvania
We decide to take a hike along the ridge above where we are staying and I see this sign so I photo it to research the meaning of it. We stayed mostly on gravel road, 4 wheeler and power line trails.
From what I gather a stewardship is when they are trying to enhance the forest through plant and/or animal growth. I know they are trying to get more trees and elk in the area of Clearfield. I know acres are gone due to lumbering and coal mining. I don't know why they are trying to better this area itself.
This is about 2 miles of paved and then gravel dirt road to get to it.
I call it Mirror Pond due to the glistening of it.
It may be 50 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep. Notice the green "mossy" bottom?
I find this the perfect spot for us inexperienced kayaker's to go but to drag the 50'ish pound thing uphill for 2 miles is a bit much even with a rear wheel axial system.
Another day we head towards Shawville, small quaint town
This is an active rail bridge that crosses the West Branch of the Susquehanna River in Bradford Township near Shawville.
The Susquehanna is the older river in the world, even the mountains formed around it, and it is the 10th largest non-commercial river in the United States. It begins in upper New York and empties into the ocean in Maryland.
In Shawville is Trout Run River
We enjoy sitting in this river now and again.
We continue onward and Kaiya made a friend with a breed similar to herself. They wanted to play and play but Kaiya must stay on the lead due to her strong hunting instincts and as soon as she is off the lead she won't wish to play any longer but to tract. So we head onward and find a closed down above ground coal mine.
Without someone telling me his Grandpa mined here and the sign at the base of the road I would have never known this was a mining area. It is all meadow. Maybe they chopped down that many trees so they could mine, not certain.
Can you "hear" the water trickle? I love to photo water because Kaiya and I love to listen to it. When we hike for miles and there is no water or water that doesn't make much noise Kaiya can get bored but as soon as she hears even the smallest waterfall she just must see it right away. Some are hard to get to or too far away so we can't go and she gets so disappointed.
A forgotten car bridge that crosses Little Trout Run River to ?
Kaiya has the poopsies due to eating mud at a beaver dam so we couldn't investigate. She did spend some time playing in the river. Since we don't have to go onwards for our 12-14 mile morning we turn around and did 8 miles and I give her Imodium when we return and had her rest. This mud eating is getting old, second time in a week.
When I saw this sign on this day, Route 80, I knew it was almost time to go. The highway was calling me and telling me to find a new adventure. Goliath has some minor issues so I must wait but soon we must go instead of waiting until mid-September.
Crystal Rhinestone With Classy Bow Pacifier

I must thank EatCraftParent.com for this great DIY Hand Sanitizer.
We hope you enjoyed today's blog. Kaiya is sorry for getting sick and cutting the trip short but things happen. We was heading for Knob's Hill where Momma, Papa and Baby Mountain Lion have been seen. We will have to attempt a camping trip with the trail camera and see if we can get photos before we head out. So far the trail camera is only photoing deer, a coyot and ?, fur of something rubbing against the camera. Coon? Possum? Bear?
We will be back soon with more pictures. We sure hope you are enjoying them.
Spirit and Kaiya
The Wandering Gypsies
Kaiya on the hunt for ? in the very tall grass and got tangled up in it as I am hoping she doesn't find a Rattler or Copperhead as it is $800 for an anti-venom shot.
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