Monday, June 9, 2014

Myles Standish State Forest Hike - Outdoor Scrabble - Eastern Hog-Nosed Snake - Fowler's Toad

Back to Myles Standish State Forest, Massachusetts for Dog Hike Sunday, June 3, 2014. Today no one had a GPS, sadly I don't own one myself, so I don't know how many miles we did but it was more of a long day than miles. The group was a bit large, about 10 people and some 8 dogs, so it caused a lot of delays with dogs taking off, people chatting and constantly stopping. It was mild 70F but with the sun blazing and while trudging along you sure get heated up. I wore shorts, short sleeves and summer hiking boots. It went from easy fire roads such as this one to bushwhacking with trails seldom used.
I must give credit to Sal R. for taking this photo. He caught Kaiya while she was still white. About an hour later we left this smelly pond and she was very black due to rotting growth in the water. We came across many stagnant ponds and vernal pools. The dogs had a blast and they didn't care about the smell at all. I am behind all the people in-between some shrubs chatting with another adventurer.
This is a plushier area. This is in the wild life area where people are allowed to hunt. We just got done with bushwhacking and I got 3 dozen ticks off of Kaiya and me, that is 6 dozen ticks, deer and dog. Plain disgusting. Actually I was still taking the nymphs off of her 4 days later. I need to buy her a new tick collar. Her's recently stopped working. It last almost 8 months just as stated. I think we will stay away from the woods until she gets a collar and a Lyme Disease inoculation. I was using my point and shoot Kodak EasyShare C182, a gosh awful camera. See the rainbow effect on the bottom corner. It has a defect. Time to upgrade to a Panasonic.
Fowler's Toad 

I found this little guy, dead, bird may have dropped it. This is an Eastern Hog-Nose. They can grow up to 4 feet, live up to 12 years and enjoy toads and mice. They are not endangered in the United States but are a threatened species in Canada and are illegal to keep as pets.

Kaiya was very naughty during this hike which was over 4 miles but under 10 miles. We was out for 7 hours and she took off several times and often wouldn't come when called. She wanted to find the horses as many people were horseback riding on this day. So with her behavior and my arm being in a splint it was a very long, hot and stressful day as I kept her on lead during much of the time and she just pulled continuously.

Antique Wildflower Painting iPhone 5/5S Case

Backyard Scrabble: There are 144 "tiles". You will need. 2: J, K, Q, X, Z 3: B, C, F, H, M, P, V, W, Y 4: G 5: L 6: D, S, U 8: N 9: T, R 11: O 12: I 13: A 18: E

  We hope you enjoyed today's blog. My typing is getting better with each key stroke. I still have close to 4 weeks to go with my splint. I mainly use it when I am moving around outside of my home just in case I trip, a dog trips me or I forget and pick up something heavy.

Have a great day!

Spirit and Kaiya

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